這個「泡澡女」的作品,高約3公尺,寬約30公尺,由德國雕塑家奧立維沃斯(Oliver Voss)所設計,是為了英國一間美容產品公司「沐浴的『藝術』」所做的廣告商品,而且只在阿爾斯特湖展出10天。
而公司也透露,這項作品將於12日由起重機移出水面,屆時會準備一條超大毛巾將她的「身體擦乾」。但是這個看似不像美人魚的雕像也讓當地的區長馬庫斯施雷伯(Markus Schreiber)在接受媒體訪問時說,這個雕像完全是「玷污」了原本風景如畫的湖。
Lady of the lake: The giant 'mermaid' will be on show at the Alster Lake in Hamburg for the next ten days
Controversial: District mayor Markus Schreiber has said that the sculpture was 'sullying the beloved lake'
But his creation has also caused controversy, with district mayor Markus Schreiber telling de Bild newspaper that it was 'sullying the beloved lake'.
The enormous sculpture, made from steel and styrofoam, does not resemble a traditional mermaid.
Instead of a woman with a fishtail, Voss's lady of the lake has legs bent at the knee and protruding from the water.
Knees-up! Many rowers have approached the sculpture to get a closer look
原文網址: 圖/變種美人魚? 阿爾斯特湖出現「泡澡女」! | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新
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